You Are...
Text: Acts 1:6-11
Theme: Identity
Who are you?
How might you answer that question to a stranger?
How might you answer that question to a loved one?
In the Acts text for today, we hear of Jesus' final encounter with his disciples before he ascends to heaven. Thursday was Ascension Day; a festival in the season of Easter where we remember that Jesus ascends to the Father, and the Holy Spirit is promised upon Jesus' followers. I find the turning point in this text to be verse 8, where dialogue ends, and the the instruction is given; you will be my witnesses... Jesus makes it quite clear that the work of bringing the good news of Christ does not end, but continues through these disciples.
Like the disciples, in order to know who we are becoming, we first ought to know who we are. Which brings us back to the question; who are you? In God's magnificent creation, each living thing is created with a unique identity-- there is NO ONE else like YOU in the world. There are people who might look like you, sound like you, think like you, and believe like you. There are people who are "kinda" like you, and "sorta" like you, and "just like" you. But they are not you. You are not them. You are you!
Jesus tells the disciples that they will be witnesses, and then gives them some specific examples of where they will witness the good news. Starting exactly where they are, and moving outward, Jesus gives instructs them to go out into the world, where they are comfortable and those areas beyond their comfort zone, to spread the message of God's saving work through Christ. "Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" are Jesus' command. And then- Jesus is gone.
You, my brothers and sisters in Christ, are fully a beloved child of God. In your baptism, you have have been marked with the cross of Christ, and sealed with the Holy Spirit. You are claimed as one of God's own; forgiven and freed through God's gift of love and grace. You are a sharer of the good news of Jesus Christ. Wherever you are right now, you have the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. You are gifted eternal life because of what God has done, not anything you have earned. You are a "...child of the One True King." (Matthew West, Hello, My Name Is). This is your primary identity; everything beyond that is rooted in God's claim on you.
Since you are a child of God, beloved and freed. You have the opportunity to be a witness to God's love in Jesus Christ. You are not in "Jerusalem, Judea, or Samaria," but you are called to be a faithful disciple right where you are. Which makes this command from Jesus even more personal; I don't have to fly to a distant land, or move my family to a new place to be a disciple. I can stay right where I am, and I can share the good news of what God's saving work.
Our world has certainly changed, and the unpredictability will be with us for a while. In the present time, I have thought a lot about what Jesus' instructions are for us in the midst of this chaotic pandemic. Perhaps a new take on Jesus' instruction for now is this: You will be my witnesses in Southern Illinois, on Facebook, and to the ends of the physical and virtual world.
1) What prevents you from being a witness to Jesus' life, death, and resurrection?
2) What challenges have you faced in faith recently?
3) What scripture brings hope and healing to you this day?
Prayer: Holy God; thank you for gifting me life- abundant and eternal. I ask for your presence, to remind me daily that I am yours. Equip and empower me to be a witness in the world, so that all I encounter may encounter you. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Song: Hello, My Name is- Matthew West
Theme: Identity
Who are you?
How might you answer that question to a stranger?
How might you answer that question to a loved one?
In the Acts text for today, we hear of Jesus' final encounter with his disciples before he ascends to heaven. Thursday was Ascension Day; a festival in the season of Easter where we remember that Jesus ascends to the Father, and the Holy Spirit is promised upon Jesus' followers. I find the turning point in this text to be verse 8, where dialogue ends, and the the instruction is given; you will be my witnesses... Jesus makes it quite clear that the work of bringing the good news of Christ does not end, but continues through these disciples.
Like the disciples, in order to know who we are becoming, we first ought to know who we are. Which brings us back to the question; who are you? In God's magnificent creation, each living thing is created with a unique identity-- there is NO ONE else like YOU in the world. There are people who might look like you, sound like you, think like you, and believe like you. There are people who are "kinda" like you, and "sorta" like you, and "just like" you. But they are not you. You are not them. You are you!
Jesus tells the disciples that they will be witnesses, and then gives them some specific examples of where they will witness the good news. Starting exactly where they are, and moving outward, Jesus gives instructs them to go out into the world, where they are comfortable and those areas beyond their comfort zone, to spread the message of God's saving work through Christ. "Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" are Jesus' command. And then- Jesus is gone.
You, my brothers and sisters in Christ, are fully a beloved child of God. In your baptism, you have have been marked with the cross of Christ, and sealed with the Holy Spirit. You are claimed as one of God's own; forgiven and freed through God's gift of love and grace. You are a sharer of the good news of Jesus Christ. Wherever you are right now, you have the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. You are gifted eternal life because of what God has done, not anything you have earned. You are a "...child of the One True King." (Matthew West, Hello, My Name Is). This is your primary identity; everything beyond that is rooted in God's claim on you.
Since you are a child of God, beloved and freed. You have the opportunity to be a witness to God's love in Jesus Christ. You are not in "Jerusalem, Judea, or Samaria," but you are called to be a faithful disciple right where you are. Which makes this command from Jesus even more personal; I don't have to fly to a distant land, or move my family to a new place to be a disciple. I can stay right where I am, and I can share the good news of what God's saving work.
Our world has certainly changed, and the unpredictability will be with us for a while. In the present time, I have thought a lot about what Jesus' instructions are for us in the midst of this chaotic pandemic. Perhaps a new take on Jesus' instruction for now is this: You will be my witnesses in Southern Illinois, on Facebook, and to the ends of the physical and virtual world.
1) What prevents you from being a witness to Jesus' life, death, and resurrection?
2) What challenges have you faced in faith recently?
3) What scripture brings hope and healing to you this day?
Prayer: Holy God; thank you for gifting me life- abundant and eternal. I ask for your presence, to remind me daily that I am yours. Equip and empower me to be a witness in the world, so that all I encounter may encounter you. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Song: Hello, My Name is- Matthew West
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