Patience and Flexibility
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Text: Colossians 1:9-14
Theme: Patience and Flexibility
"Never in all my adult life did I think I would be leading worship, in our kitchen, for our congregations." -Pastor Paul, Sunday, March 22, 2020
I went to church today. No quotes, no quips, no exceptions. We had church today. We praised God; we confessed our sins, heard the words of forgiveness, prayed, heard the Word, confessed our faith, prayed, and were blessed.
The world is an unexpected and wild place. The time in which we find ourselves commands great discipline, creativity, and faithfulness. While things were not perfect on our Zoom worship today, there was a sense of gladness and thanksgiving. Come to think of it, Sunday mornings never go perfectly either. And that is a good thing. Amidst the foibles and mistakes, the Holy Spirit still enters in and brings us to faith.
As Christians, and people from other faith communities, have prayed, discerned, and planned for a "new way to be the church," we have come to the correct conclusion that the church is not about the building. We have a great building, which is well cared for. Yet, in these times, we cannot safely meet in our building. But we can still have church.
Next week, we will try it again. there will be some changes, some improvements, and hopefully some more people. I was overwhelmed to see 58 family units tuned in today. I was grateful for the leadership of Pastor Melissa. I smiled as G played the air guitar during the words of absolution.
Thank you, brothers and sisters in Christ, for church today. Seeing some of your faces, I couldn't help but smile. I also teared up a bit, wishing that we were together, in person, to share in Word and Meal. So, for now, we will connect online, in prayer, and thanksgiving, and the Word. This is not permanent- we will get through these challenges, and meet together around Word and Sacrament. We will share the peace again, with handshakes and hugs. Until then, we will be patient, trusting that God runs through networks and Wi-Fi!
No exceptions, no asterisks-- thanks be to God for showing up to church today!
Song: God is Here (ELW, #526)
Prayer: Holy God; we thank you for calling us to be your people. Thank you for technology and flexibility, as we seek to hear your Word. Remind us, always, of the promise and hope that comes through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Text: Colossians 1:9-14
Theme: Patience and Flexibility
"Never in all my adult life did I think I would be leading worship, in our kitchen, for our congregations." -Pastor Paul, Sunday, March 22, 2020
I went to church today. No quotes, no quips, no exceptions. We had church today. We praised God; we confessed our sins, heard the words of forgiveness, prayed, heard the Word, confessed our faith, prayed, and were blessed.
The world is an unexpected and wild place. The time in which we find ourselves commands great discipline, creativity, and faithfulness. While things were not perfect on our Zoom worship today, there was a sense of gladness and thanksgiving. Come to think of it, Sunday mornings never go perfectly either. And that is a good thing. Amidst the foibles and mistakes, the Holy Spirit still enters in and brings us to faith.
As Christians, and people from other faith communities, have prayed, discerned, and planned for a "new way to be the church," we have come to the correct conclusion that the church is not about the building. We have a great building, which is well cared for. Yet, in these times, we cannot safely meet in our building. But we can still have church.
Next week, we will try it again. there will be some changes, some improvements, and hopefully some more people. I was overwhelmed to see 58 family units tuned in today. I was grateful for the leadership of Pastor Melissa. I smiled as G played the air guitar during the words of absolution.
Thank you, brothers and sisters in Christ, for church today. Seeing some of your faces, I couldn't help but smile. I also teared up a bit, wishing that we were together, in person, to share in Word and Meal. So, for now, we will connect online, in prayer, and thanksgiving, and the Word. This is not permanent- we will get through these challenges, and meet together around Word and Sacrament. We will share the peace again, with handshakes and hugs. Until then, we will be patient, trusting that God runs through networks and Wi-Fi!
No exceptions, no asterisks-- thanks be to God for showing up to church today!
Song: God is Here (ELW, #526)
Prayer: Holy God; we thank you for calling us to be your people. Thank you for technology and flexibility, as we seek to hear your Word. Remind us, always, of the promise and hope that comes through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
This is a good word and good news. Thank you.