Laborer's for Christ

Text: Matthew 9:35-38

Theme: Compassion

When you see a large crowd of people, what comes to mind?

I imagine, in this gospel text from Matthew, Jesus being overwhelmed by the crowds of people. Jesus had become high in demand. Jesus had gathered quite a following; the preaching, teaching, and healing was a sight to behold. These deeds of power, and words of authority, caught the attention of lots of people. Word spread, as more people followed, more people were invited to follow. Life changed, for those who experienced healing and those who observed it.

Today, we see crowds of people gather for a variety of reasons. Music events, sporting events, parades, and marches see large groups of people in one area. Gathering with others for a common purpose brings people, energy, and movements together. With the onset of Covid-19, crowds and gatherings in large groups have happened far less frequently.

The compassion Jesus has for the crowds leads to interaction with others that provides both a sense of identity, and a sense of purpose. The crowds were full of people who were "...harassed and helpless..." These were not the religious elite, but rather, those who were pushed to margins of society. Moved by compassion, Jesus leads them, guides them, and teaches the disciples about the ability of a few people, convicted by their beliefs and compassion, to go out into the world and proclaim the good news of God's kingdom here and now-- hope and healing.

How have you been moved with compassion lately? How have you responded with compassion to those who are "...harassed and helpless?" You, yes you, are a laborer in God's kingdom here and now. You share in the movement that caught the first disciples; following the Savior of the world! The work is not easy, and often the work is not popular. Being faithful to Christ is not a popularity contest, nor is it something the majority of people in the world are doing. But, the work is life-changing, and the work is necessary.

I am praying for us, siblings in Christ, as we continue to follow Christ's command to love one another. We see and hear of crowds gathering because they have been pushed to the margins. We know the work of sharing the good news of Christ is important, but often risky. We know that the work being done, is not in our name, but in the name of the one who loves us, and claims us as God's own.

1) How have you seen compassion changing lives during the Covid-19 pandemic?
2) How have you experienced others showing compassion to you?
3) How are you "... proclaiming the good news of the kingdom" today?

Prayer: Holy God, thank you for your the life, death, and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ. With compassion, he was a teacher, preacher, and healer, who spoke and acted with authority. Send your Holy Spirit upon me today, so that I may share in this work, and that I may be a messenger of hope and healing for those who are harassed and helpless. Use me, my whole being, to be your servant. In the name of your Son, Jesus, I pray. Amen.


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