Newness of Life

Text: Isaiah 43:16-19

Theme: Being Made New

Have you thought about what the world will look like after Covid-19 has passed? This time of social distancing will end, and with some modifications and changes, we will go back to a "normal" life. However, this new normal, will not be like life before Covid-19. The normal we knew is not the normal we will know.

The world in which we live is always changing. Think about the phases of the moon, the growth and blooms of trees and flowers. The wrinkles on your hand. The only thing constant in this world is that there is always change.

I am reminded of a quote from Heraclitus:
"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river, and he's not the same man."

With all this in mind, whether we feel it or not, we are people of change.
-When you were born, the entire earth changed.
-When you were baptized, your life, for eternity, changed.
-When you come to the rail for Holy Communion, you leave changed.

We worship a dynamic God; One who creates, loves, and redeems what has been created.
We pray to an eternal God; One who was, who is, and who is to come.
We read scripture about a revealed God; One who shows up in Holy Scripture, and in our life.

The rhythms of life has been made new. You are being made new; the rest of your life will be changed by this virus and the impact it has had on the world. I encourage you to reflect upon how you can take the best of life before Covid-19, and the best of life during Covid-19, to live your best life after Covid-19.

1) How do you see God's creation celebrating the newness of life?
2) Where have you seen God at work, making things new?
3) What are your hopes for life after Covid-19?

Prayer: Holy God; thank you for the new life you give us through your Son Jesus Christ. Root us in your Word, call to us in prayer, and equip us for sharing the good news of the resurrection of Christ. In your Son's name we pray. Amen.

Song: Now the Feast


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