The Death of Lazarus- a Second Look
Text: John 11:1-45
Theme: New Life
"Take away the stone." -Jesus (11:39)
When Jesus speaks, things happen. Jesus, after caring for Martha and Mary, takes time to weep and grieve the death of his friend. Lazarus was really dead. His sisters were really sad. Jesus was really disturbed.
And yet, Jesus speaks into the moment. Jesus speaks so that others may hear of God's glory. Jesus speaks new life into death.
The connection with Jesus, Lazarus, and us collide, as we approach Holy Week. This Holy Week will be different than any other. There will be singing, and praying, and hope. There will be people preparing themselves for the darkness of Good Friday, and the light of Easter morning. It will be different, but faith is never the same. We are shaped by our experiences-- internal and external. Our understanding of God, and of ourselves, changes based on what is going on in our world, our heads, and our hearts.
We worship a living, dynamic God. The Holy Spirit comes to work in us, around us, and through us. We continue to seek ways to be faithful, while keeping a safe, physical distance. We try to figure out how to pray together, through a video camera and microphone.
At some point, life will return back to "normal." Worship will gather at Epiphany, restaurants will open for business, and kids will go back to school. Like Lazarus, though, normal will be different.
How have you been changed during this Covid-19 pandemic?
What stone(s) get in the way of living abundant life for you?
What stone(s) get in the way of helping your neighbor live life abundantly?
How will you see God differently, after we have weathered this storm?
I miss seeing my church community gather in person on Sunday morning. I miss the coffee conversations that happen during the week. I miss the pastor's text study and the seemingly normal events that dot our calendars.
I don't know exactly how I will be changed when this is all over. But I do know that life will be different. God will continue rolling away stones. God will continue to speak life into being. God will continue to show up, on the mountain and in the valley.
Peace be yours this Holy Week.
Prayer: Holy God; you know better than we, the stones that get in the way of living life abundantly. Help us to roll away the stones we can, and to trust that you will roll the stones away that we cannot. Thank you for your living Word, that speaks to us now, and always. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Theme: New Life
"Take away the stone." -Jesus (11:39)
When Jesus speaks, things happen. Jesus, after caring for Martha and Mary, takes time to weep and grieve the death of his friend. Lazarus was really dead. His sisters were really sad. Jesus was really disturbed.
And yet, Jesus speaks into the moment. Jesus speaks so that others may hear of God's glory. Jesus speaks new life into death.
The connection with Jesus, Lazarus, and us collide, as we approach Holy Week. This Holy Week will be different than any other. There will be singing, and praying, and hope. There will be people preparing themselves for the darkness of Good Friday, and the light of Easter morning. It will be different, but faith is never the same. We are shaped by our experiences-- internal and external. Our understanding of God, and of ourselves, changes based on what is going on in our world, our heads, and our hearts.
We worship a living, dynamic God. The Holy Spirit comes to work in us, around us, and through us. We continue to seek ways to be faithful, while keeping a safe, physical distance. We try to figure out how to pray together, through a video camera and microphone.
At some point, life will return back to "normal." Worship will gather at Epiphany, restaurants will open for business, and kids will go back to school. Like Lazarus, though, normal will be different.
How have you been changed during this Covid-19 pandemic?
What stone(s) get in the way of living abundant life for you?
What stone(s) get in the way of helping your neighbor live life abundantly?
How will you see God differently, after we have weathered this storm?
I miss seeing my church community gather in person on Sunday morning. I miss the coffee conversations that happen during the week. I miss the pastor's text study and the seemingly normal events that dot our calendars.
I don't know exactly how I will be changed when this is all over. But I do know that life will be different. God will continue rolling away stones. God will continue to speak life into being. God will continue to show up, on the mountain and in the valley.
Peace be yours this Holy Week.
Prayer: Holy God; you know better than we, the stones that get in the way of living life abundantly. Help us to roll away the stones we can, and to trust that you will roll the stones away that we cannot. Thank you for your living Word, that speaks to us now, and always. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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