Easter Blessings
Text: Matthew 28:1-20
Theme: Plus One
Blessed and joyous Easter, family and friends, near and far!
This is a big day in our church, and in our world. Pain has not ceased to exist, nor has death received it's last person. In some ways, our world doesn't much seem changed. Covid-19 still sickens people at an incredible rate, and many people continue to die of this disease. In neighborhoods, houses of worship, restaurants, and more, alternative and creative ways to be together continue to exist outside of face-to-face gatherings. Yet, it is right and holy that we celebrate Easter this day.
The gospel text from this morning is the first portion of the last chapter of Matthew. For the sake of devotion and worship of God, I encourage you to read all of chapter 28, because the rest of the chapter reflects the persistence and pursuance of God, through God's Son Jesus Christ. Matthew continues to show us the intersection of the way the world words, with the way God works.
We read of the first day of the week, when Mary and Mary travel to the tomb. They expect a closed tomb, holding in the dead body of their friend. This seemingly sad and ordinary day gives way to the earth trembling and an encounter with an angel! Where they expected closure, the world opens up. Where they expected darkness, there was light. Where they expected death, there is life!
Living into this reality of the resurrected Son can be challenging. The stories of Jesus in Holy Scripture can be hard to believe, and at times, a distant piece of historical literature. But the rolling away of the stone to reveal an empty tomb transformed the world then, and transforms the world now. This is the good news for the world; Christ has died, Christ has risen, and Christ will come again! This is promise-- this is reality.
If you continue reading chapter 28, you will read about how the world continued to try and stop the Christian movement from progressing. The elders in those days tried to cover up the resurrection, stopping any threat to their power. Like today, money was used to buy the truth, to be replaced with an alternative narrative. It was a plan that might have worked, had they not been trying to quiet the Creator.
God, however, has other plans. For every evil in the world, God exceeds it with good. With every hate in the world, God exceeds it with love. God is the ultimate "plus one;" God exceeds everything in this world, continually reaching into the world to again and again show love for what God has created. For every sin, God grants more forgiveness. This is the abundance, with no limits, that only the Triune God can provide. There is no equal, in this world or any other.
As Jesus shows up to the eleven, in the last portion of chapter 28, some of them even doubt Jesus' presence. We don't know what they had seen or heard, but we do know they were together, physically present, traveling to follow Jesus' directive. Jesus tells them to continue the work of sharing the kingdom of God with their neighbors. Jesus' final words remind the disciples, those eleven and you and me, that Jesus is always with us. Thanks to the Holy Spirit, we experience Jesus' presence- here and now! It can be hard to see amidst the social distancing, but it is true. It is true for me. It is true for you.
So, friends, celebrate Easter. Enjoy a meal with your family. Call up a friend you haven't spoken with in a while. Check in on a loved one who suffers from poor health. Share the good news with a neighbor who is struggling with the burdens of life. May God continue to show up, again and again, in your life. May you feel the presence of the resurrected Christ... today... tomorrow... always.
Reflection Questions:
1) Where have you seen God at work in this season of Lent?
2) What are your greatest fears right now? Have you shared them with God?
3) How will the empty tomb affect your first days after "safe social distancing?"
Song: "Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds" ELW #367
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgX4Fuwg1oY
Prayer: Holy God, thank you for gifting life to us in this world. Guide us to live as your people, here and now, to worship you and love our neighbors. As we navigate the trials and challenges in this world, reveal your Son to us, so that our hope is stronger than our despair, and we are reminded that through your Son, life is stronger than death. Bring peace, comfort, and joy to those who suffer this day, and turn us again and again to the empty tomb, where Christ has risen for the sake of the world. In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
Theme: Plus One
Blessed and joyous Easter, family and friends, near and far!
This is a big day in our church, and in our world. Pain has not ceased to exist, nor has death received it's last person. In some ways, our world doesn't much seem changed. Covid-19 still sickens people at an incredible rate, and many people continue to die of this disease. In neighborhoods, houses of worship, restaurants, and more, alternative and creative ways to be together continue to exist outside of face-to-face gatherings. Yet, it is right and holy that we celebrate Easter this day.
The gospel text from this morning is the first portion of the last chapter of Matthew. For the sake of devotion and worship of God, I encourage you to read all of chapter 28, because the rest of the chapter reflects the persistence and pursuance of God, through God's Son Jesus Christ. Matthew continues to show us the intersection of the way the world words, with the way God works.
We read of the first day of the week, when Mary and Mary travel to the tomb. They expect a closed tomb, holding in the dead body of their friend. This seemingly sad and ordinary day gives way to the earth trembling and an encounter with an angel! Where they expected closure, the world opens up. Where they expected darkness, there was light. Where they expected death, there is life!
Living into this reality of the resurrected Son can be challenging. The stories of Jesus in Holy Scripture can be hard to believe, and at times, a distant piece of historical literature. But the rolling away of the stone to reveal an empty tomb transformed the world then, and transforms the world now. This is the good news for the world; Christ has died, Christ has risen, and Christ will come again! This is promise-- this is reality.
If you continue reading chapter 28, you will read about how the world continued to try and stop the Christian movement from progressing. The elders in those days tried to cover up the resurrection, stopping any threat to their power. Like today, money was used to buy the truth, to be replaced with an alternative narrative. It was a plan that might have worked, had they not been trying to quiet the Creator.
God, however, has other plans. For every evil in the world, God exceeds it with good. With every hate in the world, God exceeds it with love. God is the ultimate "plus one;" God exceeds everything in this world, continually reaching into the world to again and again show love for what God has created. For every sin, God grants more forgiveness. This is the abundance, with no limits, that only the Triune God can provide. There is no equal, in this world or any other.
As Jesus shows up to the eleven, in the last portion of chapter 28, some of them even doubt Jesus' presence. We don't know what they had seen or heard, but we do know they were together, physically present, traveling to follow Jesus' directive. Jesus tells them to continue the work of sharing the kingdom of God with their neighbors. Jesus' final words remind the disciples, those eleven and you and me, that Jesus is always with us. Thanks to the Holy Spirit, we experience Jesus' presence- here and now! It can be hard to see amidst the social distancing, but it is true. It is true for me. It is true for you.
So, friends, celebrate Easter. Enjoy a meal with your family. Call up a friend you haven't spoken with in a while. Check in on a loved one who suffers from poor health. Share the good news with a neighbor who is struggling with the burdens of life. May God continue to show up, again and again, in your life. May you feel the presence of the resurrected Christ... today... tomorrow... always.
Reflection Questions:
1) Where have you seen God at work in this season of Lent?
2) What are your greatest fears right now? Have you shared them with God?
3) How will the empty tomb affect your first days after "safe social distancing?"
Song: "Now All the Vault of Heaven Resounds" ELW #367
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgX4Fuwg1oY
Prayer: Holy God, thank you for gifting life to us in this world. Guide us to live as your people, here and now, to worship you and love our neighbors. As we navigate the trials and challenges in this world, reveal your Son to us, so that our hope is stronger than our despair, and we are reminded that through your Son, life is stronger than death. Bring peace, comfort, and joy to those who suffer this day, and turn us again and again to the empty tomb, where Christ has risen for the sake of the world. In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
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