
Showing posts from April, 2020

Looking Back

Text: John 20:19-31 Theme: Easter Discipleship When you hear about the disciple, Thomas, what do you think? How do you feel? Looking back into history, it is easy to judge and second guess historical figures. It wouldn't be odd to question Thomas and his questions; how could he NOT believe Jesus has come back to the disciples? What is wrong with him? Thinking about the disciples, and their reactions to the resurrection, says a lot about how we understand God, humanity, and faith. Since my time in seminary, I have been more gentle with those first disciples, trying to use empathy and understanding to get to their worldview. Thinking about the situation in which they find themselves (locked together, away from others), fear must have been a primary factor. Their friend and leader had been killed. Were they next? What would happen if they were brought to "trial?" As a student of history (I have learned a little bit, and I have lot more to learn), I like to consider...

Easter Blessings

Text: Matthew 28:1-20 Theme: Plus One Blessed and joyous Easter, family and friends, near and far! This is a big day in our church, and in our world. Pain has not ceased to exist, nor has death received it's last person. In some ways, our world doesn't much seem changed. Covid-19 still sickens people at an incredible rate, and many people continue to die of this disease. In neighborhoods, houses of worship, restaurants, and more, alternative and creative ways to be together continue to exist outside of face-to-face gatherings. Yet, it is right and holy that we celebrate Easter this day. The gospel text from this morning is the first portion of the last chapter of Matthew. For the sake of devotion and worship of God, I encourage you to read all of chapter 28, because the rest of the chapter reflects the persistence and pursuance of God, through God's Son Jesus Christ. Matthew continues to show us the intersection of the way the world words, with the way God works. ...

The Death of Lazarus- a Second Look

Text: John 11:1-45 Theme: New Life "Take away the stone." -Jesus (11:39) When Jesus speaks, things happen. Jesus, after caring for Martha and Mary, takes time to weep and grieve the death of his friend. Lazarus was really  dead. His sisters were really  sad. Jesus was really  disturbed. And yet, Jesus speaks into the moment. Jesus speaks so that others may hear of God's glory. Jesus speaks new life into death. The connection with Jesus, Lazarus, and us collide, as we approach Holy Week. This Holy Week will be different than any other. There will be singing, and praying, and hope. There will be people preparing themselves for the darkness of Good Friday, and the light of Easter morning. It will be different, but faith is never the same. We are shaped by our experiences-- internal and external. Our understanding of God, and of ourselves, changes based on what is going on in our world, our heads, and our hearts. We worship a living, dynamic God. The Holy Spirit c...