Eager Longing
Text: Romans 8:18-25 Theme: Hope Reflection: What is it you long for today? Paul's writing in Romans guides us through human reality (suffering) into divine revelation (God's work). In this year 2020, certainly these words speak loud and true. One does not have to look far to understand the presence of suffering: -global pandemic -racial injustice -economic hardships -abuse of mother nature -isolation and loneliness -anxiety over the future These are but a few examples of ways in which I have seen, or experienced, suffering recently. You could add your own to the list, but the point remains; individually and collectively, suffering is a part of our human experience. Paul acknowledges this, and we, too, must acknowledge this as a part of our lived reality. Good news in this is that God does not forsake, nor abandon, that which God has created. God continues to usher in hope, in in the midst of suffering. God has sent the Son, Jesus Christ, so that the world may ...